Little Sister Paola Francesca

I joined the Little Sisters of Jesus in 1977 and after a few months I went to Syria.
I did all my training in the Middle East where I lived until 2013.
Back in Italy, I take care of the Cause of Beatification of Sister Magdalena.
since 2014. I currently reside in Rome.

Lorella Congiunti

Lorella Congiunti, PhD in Philosophy and Theology.
She is currently Professor of Metaphysics in the Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical Urbaniana University, after having held the chair of Philosophy of Nature for many years.
Since 2020, she has been President of SITA-Sociedad Internacional Tomás de Aquino, having been a Director of its Executive Committee uninterruptedly since 2003.
She is a member of the teaching staff of the Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology; the Joint Diploma in St. Thomas Aquinas Studies; the Joint Diploma on Women and the Church.

Cristina Reyes

Professor Cristina Reyes
With a degree in Psychology from the University of Chile (Santiago), she obtained her PhD in Philosophy from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). She is Associate Professor of Metaphysics at the same University, where since 2020 she is also Academic Vice-Rector. Her research currently focuses on questions of metaphysics in contemporary philosophy. Among her writings in this field is the book
Existence and personhood. Between early Heidegger and the metaphysics of being (2018).

Anita Cadavid

Graduate in Education and Development and in Religious Sciences. He obtained a degree in Philosophy with a specialisation in Anthropology at the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum. He currently holds a PhD in Humanities from the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid (Spain).
She has worked in education and schools and has followed the training of young people and couples.
Within the Institute for Advanced Women's Studies, she is a member of the coordination committee of the research group "Being a man, being a woman" and related training activities, and Chair of the Value@Work working group. The person at the centre.
Since 1 July 2019, she has been Director of the Institute for Advanced Women's Studies.
He is a member of the board of Ecclesia, a journal of Catholic culture.

Silvia Mas

Silvia Mas was born in Lleida (Spain). She holds a degree in Classical Philology (Universitat de Barcelona) and a PhD in Church History from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). She teaches Patrology and Biblical Languages at the same institution, dedicating her research activity to patristic theology. He has published in the fields of political theory in the Roman Empire and rhetoric. Since the academic year 2021 she has been involved in two research projects on the role of women in the Church.

Gabriella Gambino

Graduated in Political Science at the University of Milan, in 2001 she obtained her PhD in Bioethics at the Institute of Bioethics of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome. From 2001 to 2007 she carried out teaching, study and research activities in bioethics at the Institute of Methodology of Social Sciences of the LUISS-Guido Carli University in Rome. From 2002 to 2006 she was appointed expert scientist of the National Bioethics Committee, at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Until 2017 she was Associate Professor of Bioethics at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and researcher in philosophy of law at the Faculty of Law of the same university. Since 2005, she has been professor in charge of Bio-law at the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for the Sciences of Marriage and the Family (Lateran University). In 2017, she was a visiting professor at the Brazilian section of the Institute at the Universidade Católica do Salvador (Bahia).
Author of numerous publications (monographs, reviews and essays), she has devoted herself in particular to the themes of human life, marriage and the family.
On 7 November 2017 she was appointed by Pope Francis as Under-Secretary of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life. She was reconfirmed in November 2022.

Jean Luc Moens

Jean-Luc Moens, married, father of 7 children, member of the Emmanuel community, friend of the Servants of God, Cyprien and Daphrosa Rugamba, author of their biography Rugamba Family. In Heaven dancing, Velar, Gorle (BG) 2021.

Cristina Righi

Born in Perugia, she has a degree in Law and a diploma in Theology, but first and foremost she is a wife and mother to
four children.
Called to vocation and service in the Church, she became, with her husband Giorgio, a point of reference.
of the diocesan pastoral care of Perugia, where they accompany the families, with whom they walk together in faith and
spiritual growth. It has been totally dedicated to the care of the relationship between the spouses,
especially for injured couples. Together with her husband, she is currently the godmother of more than sixty children.
baptised, the fruit of the care of the newlyweds during the many years of formation on the way
Since 2014, again with her husband, she has been in charge of the Perugia section of the A.Mar.Lui Association.
(founded by the Venerable Enrichetta Beltrame Quattrocchi), which is inspired by the Blessed Fathers, and to
The Archbishop of Perugia, Cardinal Bassetti, has granted the couple the custody of the Blessed Sacrament.
Sacrament in a Chapel-Home where couples from all over Italy are welcomed.
Together they carry out evangelisation work in many dioceses to which they are invited.
He has written Noi, Storia di una chiesa domestica (We, the story of a domestic church) and Noi con Lui,
piccoli sentieri per la coppia (We with Him, little paths for the couple) published by Tau, and has
created the Novena ai Beati Beltrame Quattrocchi (ed. Shalom). He has composed several pieces on the
marriages with various musicians.

Rafic Warcha

His Excellency Most Reverend Monsignor Youhanna Rafic EL WARCHA was born on 1 November 1971 in Okaibé - Ftouh Kesrouan (Lebanon, Ep. of Joubbe, Sarba and Jounieh of the Maronites), has a Lebanese passport and resides in Rome, in Via di Porta Pinciana n. 18.

S. El Warcha was ordained on 17 August 1996 for the Patriarchal Eparchy (Vicariate of Jounieh); there he was assistant parish priest in Haret Sakr for five years and then parish priest of Saint Doumit-Okaibé (2006-2016).

He furthered his theological studies in Rome, where he obtained a doctorate in theology in 2005. He later became a university professor of Moral Theology in Lebanon, and founded a Theological Institute in Saint Doumit-Okaibé.

In addition to Arabic, he speaks and writes in Italian, French, English and Syriac.

Former Secretary General of the Maronite Patriarchate in Bkerké since 2011, he was elected on 14 February 2018, and consecrated on 7 April 2018, Bishop of the Curia of Antioch of the Maronites, titular of Apamea of Syria of the Maronites.

By decree of 18 June 2019, he was appointed by the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, His Beatitude Em. Bechara Boutros Cardinlae RAI, in accordance with canon 61 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Procurator General of the Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites to the Holy See.

By the same decree, he was also appointed Rector of the Pontifical Maronite College of the Antiochian Patriarchate of the Maronites in Rome, an institution of pontifical right established by His Holiness Gregory XIII by Bull of 5 July 1584, of which he is the Legal Representative in Italy.

By decree of 4 November 2020, His Excellency Bishop El Warcha was also appointed Rector of the annexed Church of San Marone, located in Rome, in Via Aurora 6.

María Mercedes Montalvo García

She has been a missionary for 33 years in the Servants of the Gospel of the Mercy of God. She has carried out her mission in various cities in Spain, her country of origin, as well as in Colombia, Portugal, Argentina, Germany and, for the last 14 years, in Italy, in Pavia and Rome, the city where she currently works. She has developed her service as a missionary working in the field of youth and adult ministry, offering accompaniment, faith formation and spiritual retreats. Her licentiate thesis in spiritual theology at the Faculté Teresianum in 2014 focused on Benedict XVI's Deus caritas est; she continued her doctoral studies by publishing, in 2020, her thesis entitled: La prière de Jésus à Gethsémani, libération et divinisation de l'homme. The contribution of J. Ratzinger. For the last three years, he has been teaching "Methodology of theological research" and "Theology of prayer" at the Teresianum, based on the thought of J. Ratzinger, as well as "Foundations and pedagogy of Christian prayer" and "Spiritual theology" at the Institute of Religious Sciences in Pavia; this academic year, he is also teaching "Theology of prayer" at the Seraphicum.

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