Maria Carla Frison

After finishing her novitiate as a Canossian missionary in 1974, Sister Maria Carla Frison began her theological studies at the Faculty of Theology in Northern Italy. Frison began her theological studies at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Italy in Milan. Settentrionale in Milan. She continued her missionary training in England where she returned in 2000 to specialise in spiritual accompaniment. He has taught religion in Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA) and in 1980, after her perpetual vows, she was sent to Hong Kong. After her perpetual vows, she was sent to Hong Kong, where she completed her academic training. her academic formation. In Italy since 1990, she actively attended meetings with the Jesuit team for 10 years. for 10 years, she actively attended meetings with the Jesuit team for the formation of leaders of the Spiritual Exercises. Exercises he gave, in various ways, from the north to the south of Italy. He collaborated in the missionary formation of sisters and lay people, also visiting them in laity, visiting them also in Africa. The presence of foreign religious in Rome, from the year 2000 onwards, involved her also in setting up the service "USMI ti accoglie" (USMI welcomes you) for them. In 2007, at the Gregorian University, in 2007, she obtained a D. in Spiritual Theology and since 2013 she has been in charge of documentation and communication concerning St. Josephine Bakhita in Schio. Bakhita in Schio.
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